Recently, GBD threw its hat into the ring and returned to the Ice Cream Man Power Pop and More show with the exclusive broadcast premier of our end-of-summer lament, “If Summer Could Stay,” featuring some sizzling saxophone from Kenny Hamilton and bouncy backing vocals by The Diplomettes (Linzy, Rachel and Skye). We hope it will have you dancing in your corner, and everywhere else, too. It’s always a pleasure to be on the show in the rich mix of delicious songs. And you can also hear our tune among the 163 assorted flavors of pop perfection on “Songs We Learnt In Sundae School,” the latest knockout annual compilation album from Ice Cream Man Records. We were lucky enough to have our power pop parable “She Said” on last year’s compilation, “Rocking Road,” which, as we told you before, overflows with songs that have great hooks. And it should come as no surprise that “Songs We Learnt In Sundae School” is another stunning combination of sweet sounds.
And to prove the point, we will now offer official diplomatic recognition to a few of the songs from the album’s outstanding oeuvre. First, we come out swinging with a Booker T meets The Zombies instrumental by Andre’ M called “Kenzy’s Choice.” Next, wade into the smile-inducing pop of Butch Young’s Al-Stewart-meets-Burt-Bacharach ditty, “Child Of Nature.” Then, let the Simple-Minds-meets-Modern-English sound of Stockholm’s Rooni pleasantly pummel you until you require an “Ambulance.” But don’t stop swinging, just let that ambulance carry you on a “One Way Ride,” which is a Christopher Cash Perkins tune that sounds like it could have been written by Fastball’s Tony Scalzo. Next, bob and weave your head right along to a Squeeze-like song by The Caper Clowns that asks the musical question “What If.” And then finish the round with the absolutely gorgeous Jimmy-Webb-meets-Nilsson masterpiece by The Junior League called “The Wrong Kind Of Blue.” It’s so beautiful, it’s like a punch right to the heart.
We’ll ring the final bell now so you can tangle with all these great songs. Hats off to Wayne, all the great artists on the show, and the listeners who support indie music. Cheers!